刊出日期 2023.04.14

目前在愛爾蘭都柏林聖三一大學攻讀博士學位,研究領域是難民法和氣候變遷。曾在比利時的歐洲出口信用保險公司和盧森堡的法律事務所工作,也曾在愛爾蘭從事移民法相關工作,高度關注國際地緣政治和環境議題。Morgiane Noel, PhD Candidate in Law, Trinity College Dublin. I have an LLB, and a two-year master’s from the University of Louvain with a specialization in EU Policy and Governance and EU Law with an Erasmus at the University of Geneva. I also have an LLM in International & European Business Law from Trinity College, Dublin, and a Certificate in Humanitarian Law from the College of Europe, Bruges. In 2022, I started my Ph.D. at Trinity College, Dublin, in the field of Refugee Law and Climate Change. I have experience in Legal Research and EU policies and I am currently a teaching assistant in EU Law. Before my Ph.D., I have worked in a European export credit insurance in Brussels, Belgium, a Corporate Law firm in Luxembourg, and the field of Immigration Law in Dublin, Ireland. I have a strong interest in international geopolitics, environmental topics such as water conservation, Contemporary Art, Culture, Literature, Philosophy, and History (with a preference for the general European History, the Roman and Ottoman Empires, World War II, Decolonisation History, and Women’s rights History ). I am fluent and work in English, French, and Dutch. Additionally, I have seven years of experience in Latin translations, Ancient Greek, and notions of Arabic, Farsi, and Spanish.