刊出日期 2025.01.23

我是政治學與國際研究系的國際政治學教授。在伯明罕大學任職期間,我曾擔任社會科學學院的國際化主任、政治學與國際研究系的主任(2012~2016)、社會科學學院的研究生導師,以及商業與社會科學學院的研究生招生委員會助理會長。1997~2000年間,我還獲選為英國國際研究協會的成員,並作為該協會的代表參加政治學會。自1992年起,我成為西密德蘭軍事教育委員會的成員,並從2000年起擔任該委員會的主席。 我的研究興趣廣泛,且隨著學術生涯的發展而不斷地拓展。我所關注的主題主要集中在美國外交與安全政策、戰略與安全研究,以及外交與國策等領域。2000年,我成為傅爾布萊特計畫下的研究學者,並在華盛頓特區的國防大學擔任訪問學者。 I am Professor of International Politics in the department of Political Science and International Studies. During my career at Birmingham I have been Director of Internationalisation for the College of Social Sciences, Head of Department of POLSIS 2012-2016, Postgraduate Tutor to the School of Social Sciences, and Assistant Dean for Postgraduate Admissions for the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science. Between 1997 and 2000 I was also an elected member of the British International Studies Association and through that the BISA representative on the Political Studies Association Executive. Since 1992 I have been a member of the West Midlands Military Education Committee and since 2000 its chairman. My research interests are diverse and have evolved and broadened over my career. They fit largely within the areas of US Foreign and Security Policy, Strategic and Security Studies and, Diplomacy and Statecraft. In 2000 I was a Fulbright Fellow and Visiting Scholar at the Nationals Defense University, Washington DC.
作者兼編輯史蒂芬.沃爾夫撰寫了24本書,以及近百篇期刊論文和書籍章節。他是英國伯明罕大學的國際安全學教授。政治學家出身的史蒂芬.沃爾夫的研究專長是當代安全挑戰,尤其是在預防和解決族群衝突與內戰的方面,以及在嚴重分裂且遭戰爭蹂躪的社會中進行衝突後重建、和平建設和國家建設。他的研究專長還包括地緣政治,尤其是歐亞地區的大國競爭。他對北愛爾蘭、巴爾幹半島、中歐、東歐以及前蘇聯地區擁有廣泛的專業知識,而且還曾研究包括中東、非洲、中亞、南亞和東南亞在內的其他地區所發生的各種衝突。 The author and editor of twenty-four books and almost one-hundred journal articles and book chapters, Stefan Wolff is Professor of International Security at the University of Birmingham, England, UK. A political scientist by background, he specialises in the management of contemporary security challenges, especially in the prevention and settlement of ethnic conflicts and civil wars, and in post-conflict reconstruction, peace-building and state-building in deeply divided and war-torn societies. His expertise also includes geopolitics and in particular great-power rivalries in Eurasia. He has extensive expertise in Northern Ireland, the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union, and has also worked on a wide range of other conflicts elsewhere, including the Middle East, Africa, and Central, South, and Southeast Asia.