卡蜜兒.莫里(Camille Mori)
加拿大卡加利大學臨床心理學博士生 卡加利大學心理學榮譽學士學位、舞蹈學士學位及臨床心理學碩士,目前正在攻讀該校心理學系的臨床心理學博士學位。 Camille Mori has completed a combined B.A. (honours) psychology degree and B.A. dance degree at the University of Calgary. She is currently completing a PhD in clinical psychology within the Department of Psychology at the University of Calgary.
英文新聞How to talk to children about the invasion of Ukraine, and why those conversations are importantIf you are a parent, grandparent, teacher or educator, you may ask yourself: Should I talk to kids about Russian-Ukrainian war? It can be hard to know whether or not to discuss these issues with our children, and if we do, how should we go about doing it?
English Edition2022.04.04