菲利普.郝威爾(Philip Howell)

菲利普.郝威爾(Philip Howell)

郝威爾教授的研究興趣主要在於歷史地理學和文化地理學,他多年來一直從事19世紀社會的研究與寫作,尤其側重英國與大英帝國。他的主要研究領域之一是性地理學,並且曾發表過關於英國及英國殖民地的性交易產業與性工作的地理學研究,以及維多利亞時期城市男性氣質建構的研究。他的專著《規範地理學:19世紀英國與大英帝國的性交易產業管理》(Geographies of Regulation: Policing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Britain and the Empire)2009年由劍橋大學出版社出版。郝威爾博士也對「動物地理學」這個新興的研究領域有所貢獻,該領域探討了人類與非人類動物之間的關係如何在地點與空間中展現。他的另一本著作《在家與在外流浪:維多利亞時期英國的家犬》(At Home and Astray: The Domestic Dog in Victorian Britain)於2015年出版。此外,他還參與了3本論文選集的編輯工作。Professor Howell’s research interests are chiefly in the field of historical and cultural geography, and he has been researching and writing on nineteenth-century society for a number of years, particularly on Britain and the British Empire. One of his main areas of interest has been with geographies of sexuality, and he has published on geographies of prostitution and sex work in Britain and in the British colonies, as well as on the construction of urban masculinity in the Victorian period. A monograph, Geographies of Regulation: Policing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Britain and the Empire was published by Cambridge University Press in 2009. Dr Howell has also contributed to the developing field of 'animal geographies', which looks at how relations between human and nonhuman animals are played out in place and space; his book At Home and Astray: The Domestic Dog in Victorian Britain was published in 2015. He has also published three edited collections.