露西.貝茲(Lucy A. Bates)

露西.貝茲(Lucy A. Bates)

普茲茅斯大學比較與演化心理學中心資深講師。我研究動物行為,對於理解大型哺乳類動物的社交能力和智力特別感興趣。我大部分的研究是關於非洲莽原象,我正與我的國際合作者們一同研究保育和管理大象的最佳方式。我試著善用我對大象行為的了解,去鼓勵採取永續、公平且有效的保育措施。Senior Lecturer in Comparative and Evolutionary Psychology, University of Portsmouth. I study animal behaviour, and am particularly interested in understanding the social skills and intelligence of large mammals. Most of my research is about African savannah elephants and, with my international collaborators, I’m investigating how best to conserve and manage elephant populations. I try to use my knowledge of elephant behaviour to encourage sustainable, fair and effective conservation practices.