馬庫斯.馬祖可(Marcus Mazzucco)

馬庫斯.馬祖可(Marcus Mazzucco)

馬庫斯是多倫多大學運動科學與體育學院的兼任講師,負責教授各國體育法和加拿大體育法。馬庫斯也是體育政策研究中心的諮詢委員會委員和安大略省衛生廳的律師。他的研究興趣包括各國體育法、體育仲裁和安全運動。Marcus is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto where he teaches courses on Global Sports Law and Canadian Sports Law. Marcus is also an Advisory Board Member of the Centre for Sport Policy Studies and a lawyer for the Ontario Ministry of Health. His research interests include global sports law, sports arbitration, and safe sport.