丹尼斯.B.戴斯蒙(Dennis B. Desmond)
戴斯蒙在澳洲陽光海岸大學擔任網路安全的講師,專長領域是網路情報和網路犯罪調查,博士學位研究是從人為因素和社會技術系統的角度,來探究網路和金融技術如何擾亂加密貨幣的洗錢活動。戴斯蒙也是一名開發暗網干預措施的研究分析師,更曾擔任美國陸軍和聯邦調查局(FBI)的特別探員,也在美國國防情報局(DIA)擔任過專責身份管理的資深情報官員。Lecturer, Cyberintelligence and Cybercrime Investigations, University of the Sunshine Coast. Dr Dennis Desmond holds a PhD in human factors and sociotechnical systems focused on cyber and financial technologies to disrupt cryptolaundering activities. Dr. Desmond is a lecturer with the University of the Sunshine Coast in Cybersecurity and a Research Analyst developing oppositional human factor darknet interventions. Dr. Desmond served as a special agent for the United States Army and Federal Bureau of Investigation and as a Senior Intelligence Officer with the Defense Intelligence Agency, specializing in identity management.